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    Certified and quality products

    We sell exclusively certified and high-quality products, imported and sold in accordance with all the requirements of the Ministry of Health.

    Individual approach and service

    By working with our network, you acquire not just another client, but a partner who is interested in developing mutually beneficial cooperation.

    Assortment matrix

    NAVBAHOR APTEKA is interested in developing a range of both medicinal and parapharmaceutical products. Today there are more than 7,000 titles.

    Automation of business processes

    Our main goal is to automate and digitalize all possible business processes and eliminate the human factor from them

Our Distribution Centre

The numbers speak for themselves. This effect shows Navbahor Holding's market influence. The numbers speak for themselves. This effect shows Navbahor Holding's market influence.

  • 0+


  • 0+

    pharmacies service capacity


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